About us


At TedXLACAS, this year, we hope to embody the spirit of change. Change for a better future. Change for an empowered education. Change for a brighter tomorrow. With this ethos in mind, we set out to bring together a panel of visionaries to speak on “Exploring New Horizons”. Through thought-provoking discussions and talks, we aim to reimagine the boundaries, the horizons, of our conception of education. Bringing together speakers from various walks of life, TedXLACAS will allow us to behold how a well-rounded, refined and virtuous education has shaped the lives of our panelists, and how they want education to adapt and change according to the needs of the 21st century. By bringing together diverse perspectives and fostering a spirit of exploration, we seek to help students chart their own paths towards discovery, encourage teachers to delve into newer models of learning and aid administrators in reimagining a different education from the status quo. By fostering dialogue, we believe in the power of collaboration to propel us forward on our quest for knowledge, treading into uncharted territory for the sake of a better tomorrow.


In the annals of innovation, TEDx stands as a testament to the enduring power of ideas. Originating as a derivative of the renowned TED conference, TEDx emerged as a local, independently organized event aimed at fostering dialogue and spreading inspiration within communities worldwide. The inception of TEDx can be traced back to 1984, when a group of visionaries recognized the convergence of technology, entertainment and design as a potent force for shaping our future.

Drawing inspiration from the ethos of its parent organization , the first TEDx event mirrored its predecessor’s mix of cutting-edge demonstrations and thought-provoking presentations. Pioneering minds from diverse disciplines connected to share their insights, with topics ranging from emerging technologies to artistic expression and societal transformation.

However, the journey of TEDx was not without its challenges. In its nascent stages, the initiative faced hurdles reminiscent of the early setbacks encountered by the TED Conference. Financial constraints and logistical hurdles initially hampered its growth.

Undeterred by these obstacles, the proponents of TEDx persevered, driven by a collective vision of democratizing access to transformative ideas. With each successive iteration, the movement gained momentum, evolving into a global phenomenon that transcended geographical boundaries and cultural divides.

Today, TEDx stands as a beacon of intellectual curiosity and community engagement, with thousands of events held annually in cities around the world. Through its platform, TEDx continues to empower individuals to spark conversations, challenge assumptions, and shape the trajectory of our collective future. As we look to the horizon, the legacy of TEDx serves as a reminder of the profound impact that a single idea, passionately pursued, can have on the world.